Making Movement Fun Again: How Children and Teens Can Use Yoga to Promote Healthy Minds and Bodies

We often think of childhood as carefree. However, many children, especially those who lost a significant period of their time as children to the pandemic, have complex experiences and outlooks on the world just as adults do! This can manifest through anxiety, mood swings, or possibly difficulty regulating emotions. It can be difficult to help our children and teens through these experiences and it can leave us searching for ways to help them cope and self-regulate. 

Yoga is a wonderful outlet for children of all ages and experiences as it promotes not only physical health, but mental health as well. Regular practice of yoga can allow children to increase their self-awareness and provide tools they can use to help reduce stress and anxiety in a variety of ways while providing a community to share and learn. The practice of yoga can be seen as intimidating, but in reality it is about meeting yourself where you are and finding our own path to wellness. Many physical education classes in school are also starting to incorporate units on yoga!

Not only does yoga provide strategies for looking inward and using movement to promote a healthy lifestyle, it is also an engaging way to reconnect with your playful side. Children and teens yoga classes incorporate games, mantras, and songs that are just plain fun! There are many facets to yoga and while there is a calm, meditative side there is also plenty of room for creativity and passion. At Lift Easton, we like to incorporate opportunities for children to lead in our classes and make sure they feel safe, accepted, and empowered in their own practice. 

Our goal is to create a sense of community for the young people in our lives. Consistent practice of yoga not only provides a physical and mental outlet, it provides children and teens tools they can use in their everyday lives to give them a sense of peace and well-being. Breathing techniques, gentle stretching, and mindfulness are just a few of the strategies we encourage our students to take with them outside the studio and “off the mat”.

Learn more about our classes for children and teens at Lift Easton by visiting Our door is open and we are here to help you, and your family, grow!


Beat the Burnout: How Regular Yoga Practice Can Help Create Balance in Daily Life